Thursday, September 24, 2009

Solution of Great Lakes Region of Africa

The Great Lakes Center for Culture, Peace and Development (GLCPD) is an independent organization in Great Lakes region of Africa and its activities cover Rwanda, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The Head Office of the center is located at AMAHORO Street, REMERA Sector, GASABO District, KIGALI. The aim of GLCPD is the prevention of conflict and the promotion of culture, peace and development in the Great Lakes Region of Africa.

The conflicts in Rwanda, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo have claimed the lives of millions of innocent civilians, and armed groups in these countries committed gross violations of human rights. The conflicts also destroyed decades of development efforts and prevented further development, thus exacerbating human suffering and poverty. In this region, long-term armed conflicts have led populations, human rights organizations, and military and rebel forces to operate across borders. The consequences of conflict drive the agendas of many human rights activists in the area. As such, human rights and democratic reform, women’s rights, the rights of children and the reintegration of ex-child soldiers, and providing legal aid to vulnerable groups are among should be the Fund’s grant-making priorities in this region. The Great Lakes Center for Culture, Peace and Development work with governments, regional groups/associations and local people to identify the causes and address them in a practical and sustainable manner.

Published by Coordinator of Great Lakes Center for Culture, Peace and Development(GLCPD)

Friday, September 11, 2009

Great Lakes Center for Culture, Peace and Development (G.L.C.P.D)
Published, by GLCPD ed. No.1. PO.Box. 4432 Kigali, Rwanda

Ir Jules Kazungu , Coordinator of GLCPD and Sosthène UMUTONIWASE KAMANA


The study was conducted in Gisagara, District in the Southern Province of Rwanda. Globally, the Gisagara District, like the entire Rwanda, has got a temperate climate by altitude even if it is geographically located near the Equator. Average annual temperatures oscillate around 20 oC and annual average rainfalls changing around 1200 mm). The climate is bimodally distributed, with the first season lasting from March to May and the second season beginning in September or October and ending in late December or early January.
This work is entitled: “The Prevalence of Protein-Energy Malnutrition and the factors favouring it among children aged between six and fifty-nine months: A case study of Gisagara District”. It is a transversal descriptive type of study. To gather the data, we used a sample technique of thirty clusters, where we selected 30 cells and 384 children. 13 children per cell were chosen at random.

The management and statistics analyzes were done with the aid of the software package Epi Info version 3.2.2, the statistics test of the Chi square of Person is used to compare the proportions. The signification level is fixed at p < 0.05.

Based on the results obtained during our study, it was indicated that: 8.3% of the children examined were emaciated; 44% were suffering from chronic Protein-Energy Malnutrition; 23.4% suffer from low body weight; 34% of the children of the sampling area do not receive weaning complementary diet during breast feeding; infant and child feeding practices by the mothers of the district is 40.6% ; 72.4% of household don’t have food stocks; frequency of infectious and parasite-borne diseases among children aged between six and fifty-nine months is 60.2% and 16.4% of mothers have taboos and forbidden foods of certain foods that have a detrimental effect on good nutritional practice.16.4% because of culture and religion.

Based on the results obtained, our hypothesis « Protein-Energy Malnutrition constitutes an important public health problem for children aged between six and fifty-nine months in the District of Gisagara » is therefore confirmed.

Contact persons Ir Jules Kazungu(Coordinator of GLCPD).Kigali Rwanda

project summer GLCPD



The Great Lakes Center for Culture, Peace and Development (GLCPD) is an independent organization started in January 2008. The organization is registered as a not-for-profit and non-governmental organization in Rwanda and its activities cover Rwanda, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The Head Office is located at AMAHORO Street, REMERA Sector, GASABO District, KIGALI. The aim of GLCPD is the prevention of conflict and the promotion of culture, peace and development in the Great Lakes Region of Africa.

The conflicts in Rwanda, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo have claimed the lives of millions of innocent civilians, and armed groups in these countries committed gross violations of human rights . The conflicts also destroyed decades of development efforts and prevented further development, thus exacerbating human suffering and poverty. The Great Lakes Center for Culture, Peace and Development will work with governments, regional groups/associations and local people to identify the causes and address them in a practical and sustainable manner.


Our vision is to promote peace, culture and development in the Great Lakes Region.


• To contribute to poverty reduction through the promotion of revenue-generating activities to benefit the vulnerable sectors of society;
• To contribute to the well-being of the population, give assistance to widows, orphans and street children and fight against HIV-AIDS and other epidemic diseases;
• To contribute to justice, human rights, unity and reconciliation in the Great Lakes region;
• To contribute to the protection of the environment;
• To promote the integration of youth in socio-economic development;
• To promote culture through films, songs and conferences.


GLCPD is currently focusing on three goals in particular: poverty reduction, assisting the vulnerable and promoting justice and human rights. GLCPD is seeking support and sponsors to expand these activities.

GLCPD is currently involved with co-operatives in Nyaruguru and Gisagara Districts. One co-operative, in Kibeho sector of Nyaruguru District, has 68 people living with HIV/AIDS. They currently own 8 hectares of land suitable for raising cows or goats. The aim of the project is to provide them with livestock to give them a sustainable livelihood.

A second co-operative, in Rusenge sector, Nyaruguru District, has 100 members (all women) and is involved in a number of different activities (agricultural for the most part). The aim is to set up a training course for basket-weaving to target the local (Butare) and export markets for these products.

A similar co-operative is also operating in three sectors of Gisagara District (Mukindo, Muganza and Mugombwa) with 450 members in total (also all women). It is hoped to set up a similar training course in these sectors.


The following are projects that GLCPD would like to initiate in the near future.

1) Program to aid Vulnerable People: A proposed free legal aid project is to enable vulnerable people (widows, orphans, people living with HIV/AIDS, genocide survivors etc) who cannot afford to pay for legal advice.

2) A co-operative to train trainers in Peace, Human Rights, Democracy and Leadership. It is intended to select one trainer from each sector in a given District who will, in turn, themselves undertake training courses at a sector level.


• Advocacy and lobbying for better policy options and timely resolution of conflicts.
• Training in conflict resolution and peace building;
• Supporting stakeholders to mainstream peace building in their development activities;
• Cultural exchange programs and conferences for young leaders.


The organs of the association are:

• The General Assembly
• The Executive Committee
• The Auditor-General.
Published by GLCPD
P.O Box 4432 Kigali- Rwanda
Tel: (+250) 788589224/788304576

Contact person:
Cell: (+250) 788589224

Menaces de mort adréessées à trois journalistes féminines des Radios Okapi et Maendeleo

Des menaces de mort ont été proférées de manière répétée, ces derniers jours contre 3 jounalistes femmes. Ce texto reçu d'un numéro de téléphone portable (0813753026) INJOIGNABLE POUR LE MOMENT est ainsi libellé: "mulisha zoweya mubaya munaanza ingiya mu mambo haibaone ju ya kuonesha kama habawezi bagusa, sasa munataka kufa ako ju munyamanze. Tunapata rusa y kuanzia ako Kadi, kisha Kamuntu kisha Kintu Namuto risasi mu kichwa".

Je traduis:

"Vous avez pris les mauvaises habitudes de vous immiscer dans ce qui ne vous regarde pas pour montrer que vous êtes intouchables, maintenant certains d'entre vous vont mourir pour que vous la boucliez. Nous venons d'avoir l'autorisation de commencer par Kadi; puis Kamuntu puis Namuto: une balle dans la tête".
Kadi Adzuba est journaliste à Radio Okapi, Bukavu 0997717015
Jolly Kamuntu est journaliste à Radio Maendeleo à Bukavu 0997799263
Delphine Namuto est journaliste à Radio Okapi à Bukavu 0997704393

Posted by GLCPD(Great Lakes Center for Culture, peace and Development)
Coordinator Ir Kazungu