Saturday, June 5, 2010

The democracy in Burundi

Some political parts in Burundi dissociate in presidential election.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Peace in Great lakes region

Civilians continue to suffer serious human rights abuses at the hands of multiple armed groups active in Central African Republic, which has been an area of antigovernment insurgency since 1990. The government is failing to provide them with protection, rebel factions and criminal gangs have taken advantage of this to commit abuses with complete impunity.
In DRCongo, human rights abusive of LA VOIX DES SANS VOIX killed yesterday at Kinshasa

Executive of GLCPD
jules Kazungu

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Democratie in Great Lakes Region process

The Great Lakes region in Africa is one of the region where institutionalization of democratic management modes is not promoted , there are absence of open political dialogue, absence of consensus on constitutional and democratic principles, lack of citizens’ participation in the decision making and democratic processes, electoral systems which do not promote fair and proportional representation of citizens, weakness or ignorance of basic democratic values such as wider participation, transparency, accountability and respect for human rights, weak capacity of political parties and democratic institutions.

Executive Director of GLCPD
Jules Kazungu