Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Strategie of Great Lakes Center for Culture, Peace and Development

Strategie of Great Lakes Center for Culture, Peace and Development
1. create an environment of political stability
institute democratic governance; conduct politics that is exclusionary of all constituencies; promote culture of tolerance between ethnic groups, religions, etc.; actively promote the resolution of conflicts through peaceful means in Great Lakes region
2. Forge a regional approach to solving the region's problems strengthen regional bodies such as GLCPD or create new ones that would serve as a collective forum for addressing the region's problems in a collective context; seek out ways for the joint development of the region's resources
3. Formulate and implement policies for accelerating economic growth and development institute the necessary policy reforms; actively pursue poverty alleviation and employment creation as specific objectives in their own right; re-order priorities of public spending to give greater attention to social development
4.Develop and continually update a data base on the social situation create machineries for data collection and analysis; institute organizational structures for monitoring the social situation, especially with respect to poverty
5.Enhance capacity for policy analysis
The International Community
1. approach the problems of the Horn regionally
2. Create a joint forum for coordinating assistance to the region
3. encourage the governments of the region to set up a mechanism for consultation and decision making, either through strengthening GLCPD or creating an alternative structure
4. raise the level of assistance to the region
5. re-orient the nature of assistance put greater focus on social development; meet immediate and short-term needs while at the same time focusing on longer-term assistance for development
6. help in raising capacity for policy analysis in the region
7. encourage and assist the setting up of regional mechanisms for conflict resolution, internally within regions as well as between states
Non-governmental Organizations
1. Focus interventions more sharply on poverty alleviation
2. coordinate assistance
3.monitor the social situation, especially with respect to poverty
4. conduct micro-level studies on the social situation in specific areas
In conclusion, all concerned with social development in the GLCPD region of africa must recognize that the challenges are formidable and the constraints substantial, but that - given the political will - real progress can be attained in substantially improving the conditions of life in the region. If the will is wanting, all the rhetoric about social development will come to nought, and the people of the Horn will continue to live in poverty and insecurity.

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