Wednesday, May 20, 2009

statute of GLCPD





Article 1.

The Non-profit making organization known as « GREAT LAKES CENTER FOR CULTURE, PEACE AND DEVELOPMENT » (GLCPD) is hereby established and governed by the present statutes and law no 20/2000 of July, 2000 related to Non-profit making organizations.

Article 2

The association carries out its activities in Great lakes region; nevertheless, it may extend them in other countries if possible.

Article 3

The association is created for an indefinite time period.

Article 4

The Head office is established at REMERA SECTOR; GASABO DISTRICT, KIGALI CITY.

It may, however, be transferred to any other country upon the decision of the General Assembly.

Article 5

The association aims to promote peace, culture and development in the great lakes region.

The specific objectives of the association are:

- Contribute to the poverty reduction through promotion of revenue generating activities to the profit of vulnerable population;

- Contribute to the protection of the environment;

- Promote education, mentoring and integrating youth in socio-economic development;

- Contribute to well being of the population, assistance to widows, orphans, road children and fight against VIH-SIDA and other epidemic diseases;

- Contribute to Justice, Human right, Unity and Reconciliation in the Great Lakes region;

- Promote culture through films, songs and conferences;

- To do all such other things as are incidental may be deemed to the attainment of the association objects.


Article 6

GLCPD is composed of three categories of members:

- Founder members;
- Members who joined and admitted;
- Honorable members.

The founder members and duly registered members are the true members of the association.

Article 7

- Founder members are the ones who signed this constitution;

- New members are those who apply for membership and were granted it by the General Assembly “GA” upon the executive committee proposal in accordance with the internal regulations governing the association;

- Honorable members are the supporters of GLCPD to the objectives implementation.

Honorable members are proposed by the Executive Committee upon criteria of internal regulations “IR” and submitted to the GA for approval.

Article 8

Membership ceases with:

- Resignation;
- Exclusion;
- Death.

Article 9

A member, for each category, can be excluded by the GA approved by 2/3-majority vote of the duly registered members for voluntary resignation, non-conformity to the present constitution and the internal regulation of the association.


Article 10

The organs of the association are:
1. The General Assembly;
2. The Executive Committee;
3. Technical Departments;
4. Commissioners account.


Article 11

The General Assembly is the supreme organ of the association. All duly registered members compose it. Nevertheless, honor members may participate to the meetings but cannot elect or be elected.

Article 12

The general Assembly has the following attributions:

- To adopt the statutes and regulations of GLCPD;

- Dismiss a registered member and honor member as well in accordance with laws and internal regulations;

- Approve newly registered members on the Executive Committee proposal;

- Approve the founders board decisions on the dismissal of one or more member(S) of the Executive Committee who failed to fulfill their duties as assigned by this constitution or internal regulations;

- Determine members contribution;

- Approve the yearly budget and management reports;

- Implement permanent Department or such other, necessary to the smooth functioning of the association.

Article 13

The GA is convened and headed by the president or the vice president when the President is not available. In case both the president and the deputy simultaneously fail to convene the GA the latter shall gather on the 2/3 majority of the duly registered members. For the occasion, they choose a president of the session.

The GA gathers once a term in ordinary session. The extraordinary session of the GA is held whenever necessary convened by the President or Vice President in case the president is absent or not available.

Invitations including the agenda are forwarded to the members at least 15 days before the gathering for ordinary sessions and 7 days before for an extra ordination session.

Article 14

The GA gathers when 2/3 of the duly registered members are present. If the required number is not reached another session shall be convened within 15 days. On the occasion, the GA gather gathers regardless the number of participants. Every resolution shall be adopted by the absolute majority, except for the cases duly provided by the law or by the present constitution.
In case of equal votes, the one of the chairman is dominant.


Article 15

The Executive committee is composed of:

- Chairman and the GLCPD legal representative;

- Vice-President;

- General Secretary and in charge of Finance ;

- Responsible of Departments

Article 16

Attributions of the Executive Committee are:
- Elaborate internal regulations and submit it to the GA for approval;

- Make activity plan of the association;
- Negotiate financial co-operation accords with partners;

- Make annual report of activities and the budget projections to be submitted to the GA;

- Decide on the acceptance of the new members of the GA;

- Ensure the implementation of the GA decisions;

- Deal with daily management of the association;

- Suggest the dismissal of one or more member(s) of the GA;

Article 17

The Executive Committee gathers once every one month or any other time when necessary, convened and headed by the chairman or deputy chairman in case the chairman is absent.

It gathers and gives resolutions on the absolute majority of members. In case of parity of votes, the chairman’s vote dominates.

Article 18

The GA for a mandate of 2 renewable years elects the Executive Committee members. The election of the Executive Committee members is determined by the internal regulations.


Article 19

The activities of GLCPD are divided into the following Departments: Department of Development, Department of Unity, Reconciliation and Human Rights and Department of Culture.

Other Department may however be created by the GA on the Executive Commission proposal, if it is necessary.

Article 20

Duties of Technical Department:

-In charge of activities related to the unity and reconciliation among people from the countries of great lakes region

-Elaborate activities related to the instauration and promotion of Human Rights

-Promote Culture and Leisure Activity

-Carry out activities related to the protection of Natural Resources and Environment, Education, Crop and Animal Production and Health;

-To organize and Support Associations and Cooperatives to design and run development projects that are important to a target group.

Article 21

Others attributions of each Department are detailed in the internal regulations.


Article 22

The General Assembly annually elects one or many Commissioners of Accounts . The attributions are just to audit any times the funds management and association patrimony and produce reports.

They have all rights to cheek financial documents but not shift them to any other place.


Article 23

The association may possess borrowed property or its own whether movable or not for the achievement of its objectives.

Article 24

The assets of the association are the contribution of the members, donations, legacies and other productive activities and partners.

Article 25

The association may affect its assets to whatever activity leading directly to the achievement of its object.

No member shall pretend to possess the association’s assets on his/her own or claim part of it in case he/she resigns or excluded or dissolution.

The Commissioners of Accounts, appointed each year by the GA, assures the management control of the association’s assets.


Article 26

The present statutes can modified upon the GA’s decision majority by the 2/3 of members.

Article 27

The dissolution of the association is only done on the GA’s majority by the 2/3 of members.

At this occasion, it will be applied by the law no 20/2000 of July, 2000 related to Non-profit making organizations.


Article 28

All provisions that do not appear in this constitution shall be specified in the internal regulations of the association and Law used in Rwanda.

Article 29

The present constitution comes into force on the date of its signature by founder members of the association whose names are listed in the appendix of the present constitution.

Kigali, on 11 March, 2008

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