DRC : Make the local election process irreversible
Today, Sunday 7 June 2009 at 7am, the Independent Electoral Commission (CEI) of the DRC set in motion the process of updating the electoral roll by opening 143 registration centers in Kinshasa. From August onwards, the other provinces will follow. It is of utmost importance now to make the process of local elections irreversible.
These local elections are needed to complete the electoral cycle initiated with the national and provincial elections in 2006, which all observers considered as historical. These elections marked an important step as they gave the edifice of the Congolese state an overarching structure but. However, as any architect will tell you, without strong walls such a building will probably collapse soon. These walls can only be built through local elections and the process of decentralisation.
The improved relations between the Congo and its eastern neighbours has opened a window of opportunity for stabilising Central Africa where disputes between the countries can be solved by non-violent means using regional mechanisms. The Congolese people will, however, never benefit from this new situation if these mechanisms are used by strong states to strengthen their hold on the natural resources of weaker states. The Congolese Third Republic urgently needs stronger institutions. A necessary step in strengthening them is by organising local elections and pushing ahead the decentralisation process in a participatory way. Local elections and decentralisation will contribute to the growth of transparency and accountability at grass roots level and will create the space for new leadership to emerge.
EurAc applauds the launching of the revision of the electoral roll by the electoral commission and urges the European Union and its member states to:
1) Provide technical, methodological, logistical, material and financial assistance for the organisation of local elections. This assistance should be accompanied and sustained by diplomatic and political pressure to ensure that these elections are truly free and transparent.
2) With immediate effect, support and fund civil society in its mandate of raising awareness among the population through civic and electoral education which the Congolese associations are currently preparing together with international NGOs and in partnership with the CEI.
3) Prioritise capacity building for women leaders who will be candidates at the elections; as well as civic education targeted specifically at the female electorate.
4) Make sure that the political space is maintained in which civil society and an independent press can play their constructive role in monitoring independently the embryonic democracy the DRC is. This role is endangered by the numerous cases of arrests, intimidation and killing of journalists and civil society activists in recent months.
For further details:
Kris Berwouts
Director EurAc
Rue des Tanneurs, 165 B - 1000 Brussels, Belgium
Tel: +32 (0)2 213 04 000
@: kris.berwouts@eurac-network.org
is the European Network of Active NGOs in Central Africa. EurAC is made up of 49 member-organisations
from 12 European countries. AEDH, Alboan, ATOL, Broederlijk Delen, Brot für die Welt, CAFOD, Caritas France / Secours Catholique, CDI-
Bwamanda, CCFD Christian Aid, CIMADE, CISS, CNCD, Commission Justice et Paix/francophone, CORDAID, COSI, RéFAC, Danchurchaid, Diakonia, Entraide et Fraternité, Fastenopfer / Action de Carême, Federacion de Comités de Solidaridad con el Africa Negra, Foncaba/KBA, Fondation Damien, Frères des Hommes/France, GRET, GRIP, ICCO, Institut Panos Paris, Kansalaisjärjestöjen ihmisoikeussäätiö, Louvain Développement, Manos Unidas, MEMISA, MISEREOR, Norwegian Church Aid, Solidarité Mondiale/Wereldsolidariteit, Solidarité Protestante, Solidarité Socialiste, SOS – Faim, Trocaire, Vredeseilanden, 11.11.11., Pax Christi International. Membres associés : Coopi, IRC Belgium, Ipis, Réseau Oecuménique de l’Afrique Centrale, Rete Pace per il Congo
Thursday, June 11, 2009
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