Saturday, December 25, 2010

Great Lakes Center for Culture, Peace and Development

The Great Lakes Center for Culture, Peace and Development (GLCPD) is an independent organization started in January 2008. The organization is registered as a not-for-profit and non-governmental organization in Rwanda and its activities cover Rwanda, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The Head Office is located at AMAHORO Street, REMERA Sector, GASABO District, KIGALI. The aim of GLCPD is the prevention of conflict and the promotion of culture, peace and development in the Great Lakes Region of Africa.

The conflicts in Rwanda, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo have claimed the lives of millions of innocent civilians, and armed groups in these countries committed gross violations of human rights . The conflicts also destroyed decades of development efforts and prevented further development, thus exacerbating human suffering and poverty. The Great Lakes Center for Culture, Peace and Development will work with governments, regional groups/associations and local people to identify the causes and address them in a practical and sustainable manner.


Our vision is to promote peace, culture and development in the Great Lakes Region.


• To contribute to poverty reduction through the promotion of revenue-generating activities to benefit the vulnerable sectors of society;
• To contribute to the well-being of the population, give assistance to widows, orphans and street children and fight against HIV-AIDS and other epidemic diseases;
• To contribute to justice, human rights, unity and reconciliation in the Great Lakes region;
• To contribute to the protection of the environment;
• To promote the integration of youth in socio-economic development;
• To promote culture through films, songs and conferences.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

The December 2010 issue highlights the following research

* GENOCIDE: Preventing Identity Conflicts Leading to Genocide and Mass Killings

* NON-STATE ARMED GROUPS: Militias, Rebels and Islamist Militants: Human Insecurity and State Crises in Africa

* HUMANITARIAN SPACE: Shrinking Humanitarian Space? Trends and Prospects on Security and Access

* DERADICALIZATION: Deradicalizing Islamist Extremists

* AFGHANISTAN: Means to What End?: Policymaking and State-Building in Afghanistan

* SUDAN: Hoping for Peace, Afraid of War: The Dilemmas of Repatriation and Belonging on the Borders of Uganda and South Sudan

* FRAGILE STATES: Engaging Fragile States: An International Policy Primer

* PEACE PROCESSES: Money Makers as Peace Makers?: Business Actors in Mediation Processes

* AID: Domestic Humanitarian Response: Uganda Report

* WOMEN: National Outrage: Violence Against Internally Displaced Women and Girls in Eastern Chad

* BURUNDI: Closing Doors?: The Narrowing of Democratic Space in Burundi

* MELANESIA: Conflict in Melanesia: Themes and Lessons

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Noel nziza

GLCPD ibifurije Noel nziza