Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Promote ownership and inheritance rights of women historically marginalized (indigenous people) and in the fight against violence and the spread of HI

In Rwanda, the native woman is marginalized or historically ignorant, and therefore does not know and do not enjoy their rights in the community, especially those related to the management of economic resources, land rights to assets and rights related to the succession of property in the family compared to their brothers. This results in multiple consequences including heightened and persistent poverty among indigenous women. This gender inequality and poverty have dropped a large number of indigenous women into the trap of dependency towards their male partners and expose violence and sexual assault risk of contamination with HIV / AIDS.

GLCPD project involves capacity building of local community environmental project on the protection of women's rights to property and their rights to inherit property, how to provide support to survivors of acts of violence and ensure that the fight against HIV / AIDS includes strategies for reducing violence against women, establishing a link between efforts to prevent violence and HIV / AIDS at the against women historically marginalized. The building will be made to the target group, the traditional heads of families, police, judiciary, health workers, social services and decentralized local authorities. The project will be implemented through awareness, advocacy and training and advocacy for beneficiaries with decision-making bodies.